Filomena’s back in the sea! - News |  +506 2750-0710

Filomena’s back in the sea!

Filomena’s back in the sea! She’s the last of the 15 turtles that we rescued a year ago. She had a deep wound on her shell and had to stay with us until it was fully recovered. It required a lot of hard work and we want to thank all the staff and volunteers that went every day to get fresh sea water for her pool, filling up a tank with buckets, and seaweed for her to eat. The vet did an incredible job making sure her wound was properly cared for. Thank you also to SINAC that helped us with the identification tags for Filo!

The amount of joy we felt when we saw her back in the sea was incredible. We hope she has a wonderful life as she swims to the sunset!

See the release video here (

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