We rescued 13 adult green sea turtles - News
 info@jaguarrescue.foundation |  +506 2750-0710

Four wounded green sea turtles arrived at Jaguar Rescue Center on July third. They are all victims of poaching and have harpoon wounds and their fins were tied with rope. It should be noted that each of these turtles weighs about 160 kg.

Our veterinarian team started treating their injuries as soon as they arrived. The wounds were deep-cleaned and bandaged to promote healing and keep out any dirt.

We were stunned the very next day when nine more green sea turtles arrived at JRC, also victims of poaching. Our team worked quickly to build a “pool” for them. Two of them perforated lungs.To add to the drama, one of the largest turtles had laid eggs on her way to the center! The eggs were taken to the Turtle Rescue in Cahuita National Park.

In Costa Rica, the poaching of sea turtles and their eggs is rapidly rising, threatening hard-won conservation achievements. We want to thank the police and the coastguard for bringing these sea turtles to JRC. We are grateful that we are able to support sea turtle protection and rehabilitation.

Can These Turtles Return to the Sea?

Yes, but it will take time for them to recover before they can be released. We had a similar rescue in 2019 where the authorities brought us 12 injured sea turtles. They were all rehabilitated and released at different times, with the last one staying for over a year.

How Can I Help?

JRC is in immediate need of $15,000 to ensure adequate care for the 13 turtles until they can safely return to their natural marine environment. Your support is crucial in achieving this goal. By securing the necessary funds, we will be able to acquire a specialized seawater pump and two large water tanks, which are essential for their rehabilitation. Additionally, ongoing expenses for medication and food must be addressed.

At this moment, we are reaching out to you, our JRC Family, to request your aid in this pressing emergency rescue. We kindly urge you to contemplate making a donation today, as it will play a vital role in rehabilitating our rescued sea turtles.

Together, we can make a significant difference and assist these incredible creatures in finding their way back to the sea.

save the turtles JRC Costa Rica

Donate at: https://www.jaguarrescue.foundation/en-us/SavetheTurtles

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