Green Sea Turtle Lays Eggs Before Passing Away - News |  +506 2750-0710

Green Sea Turtle Lays Eggs Before Passing Away

We received a call one evening in July that 12 green sea turtles were on their way to us after being confiscated by the Coast Guard. These poor turtles were harpooned by poachers. Flipped on their backs with their fins tied together they were found between the beach and someone’s property. The Jaguar Rescue Center team worked between the hours of 8 PM to 5 AM the next day when the last of the turtles arrived. We successfully released 10 of the 12 turtles.

Even though this beautiful green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) didn't survive, she was able to lay eggs before passing away. The eggs have now hatched and the baby green sea turtles have made their way to the sea!

Our rescues,rehabilitation and releases take a lot more manpower than many realize. We want to thank the MINAE and Policia Turistica for all of their help and the volunteers and JRC team who have spent their time bringing fresh sea water and algea for the turtles.

A special thank you to Yeoudi and Parque Nacional Cahuita for incubating the eggs and ensuring they make their way back into the wild!

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