Release of 3 green sea turtles - News |  +506 2750-0710

We're thrilled to share some heartwarming news with you today. On Monday, July 17th, three majestic green sea turtles were joyfully released back into their natural habitat, remember we welcomed 13 green sea turtles at the beginning of July due to poaching. It's been an incredible journey for these resilient creatures, and we couldn't have done it without your support!

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to the amazing Christine Figgener, who is a Marine biologist here in Costa Rica and the founder of COASTS (Costa Rican Alliance for Sea Turtle Conservation & Science), she came to install plates on the turtles' fins. Additionally, we're immensely grateful to the police, and, of course, a special shoutout to SINAC for their ongoing support and collaboration in our mission to protect and preserve these wonderful creatures.

A lot of work is still in progress

However, our mission is not over yet. We still have ten more turtles in our care, and we're committed to ensuring their successful rehabilitation and eventual release. To accomplish this, we need your help now more than ever. Our "Save the Turtles" campaign aims to raise $15,000 to continue our vital efforts and make a real difference in the lives of these endangered sea turtles.

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You can check the release video in the next link.

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